Wednesday, 19 February 2020

Kiwi dog

Lucy knows what kiwis smells like  and Kiwi dogs have good eyesight 

Friday, 14 February 2020

My pet Dragon

On a sunny day I was  walking in a castle And I tripped over an egg. The next day it

hatchesd and it name is Jaydem. Jaydem has blue scales and he breathers blue fire 

and we played hide and seek Tag he won and we went in forest to have a swim we 

had a race I won when it was night time want to sleep under the that we made. A hut In the morning we went back to the castle to have some  breakfast we had 

weet-bix. Then we played Tag again.

Friday, 7 February 2020

All About me

 Tuesday the 4th of February Hi my name is Samson.I live in glen Innes. I have 2 sisters and I have 5 brothers. My favourite food is a hotdog. I like going to the beach with m cousins an my family.

Why animals migrate

I read and did the ee.

Wednesday, 5 February 2020

Bar graph of our favourite fruit

I asked people what is your favourite fruit and made tally chart and bar graph.