Friday 14 May 2021

Mouse and cats

When the bell rang my class sat on the mat.And played a game after that my teacher said the game is called mouse and cats.And she explad the rules and after she explad the rules. She picked the mouse and cats first she picked me,benji and aliana. Then we lined up outside by our class. Then we went to the bottom feild. And there we played cats and mice. While the other one's that didn't get picked made a circle for the mice not the ats. Next Cayden, maung maung and kay sai and when Cayden was in the circle he started to be bossey he said hold on hurry up now chevelle hold on to him now! and so Jaxon let go becase Cayden was bossey. Finally and Dwane was a cat and Zohaihoh. And Cayden got taded andmaung maung and kay sai.

Wednesday 5 May 2021